What is a CSA?
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Our CSA program consists of a box of fresh-picked veggies delivered to Bismarck weekly, available from mid-June through mid-October.
How much does it cost?
Our share prices for 2018 are as follows:
$600 full share
$425 partial share
When do I get my vegetables?
For the 2018 season, pickup is on Thursday evening from 5:00-6:00 pm at Jaycee's Centennial Park in Bismarck.

At peak season a typical weekly full share would contain:
Lettuce - 2 heads
Spinach or Salad Mix - 4-6 oz bag
Swiss Chard or Kale - 1-2 bunches
Beets - 1 bunch (about 1.25#)
Green Onions - 1 bunch
Eggplant - 1-2 pounds
Cucumbers - 1-4 pounds
Tomatoes - 1-5 pounds
Garlic - 1-2 bulbs
Onions - 1-2 pounds
Carrots - 2-4 pounds
Sweet and Hot Peppers - 2-6 peppers
Potatoes - 2-4 pounds
Tomatillos - 2 pounds

NEW FOR 2018!
We have added some new meat and fruit add-on options to our offering this season.
LAMB CSA - Morning Joy Farm in Mercer, ND has been raising lamb on grass for several years. This is like no other lamb you will ever try! You will receive 2 pounds of lamb, once a month over the course of the CSA season. Cuts may include chops, steaks, ground or kabob. Cost is $125.
CHICKEN CSA - Also from Morning Joy Farm, once a month, you will receive a whole chicken and one package of cut ups. The package may include leg quarters, breasts, wings, drumsticks, thighs or tenders. Cost is $125
FRUIT CSA - We are partnering with Garske Produce this season to bring you a whole fruit CSA option. This add-on will be approximately six fruit varieties weekly. An example box may include: 3 avocados, 1 melon, 6 apples, 4 oranges, 6 bananas, 1 pound strawberries. Cost is $300.
BEEF CSA - We have partnered with Glimpse of the Prairie to provide you with a beef CSA share option this season. Home raised on their ranch north of Menoken. Tender, flavorful beef with excellent marbling. Raised on grass, finished on grains. Receive the equivalent of 1/8th (40-45 pounds) of a beef over the course of the vegetable CSA season, split into monthly deliveries.
What else do you offer?
As a CSA shareholder, you will receive a newsletter every week, prior to delivery. Included in this newsletter is a link to an order form. This form allows you to select what, if any, fresh herbs you would like added to your box at no additional cost. Other items available for purchase may include our home-canned goods, raw honey from our friends at TJO Bees and farm fresh eggs. All items are subject to availability and can change, week to week.